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About ReflexTherapy



Some may refer to reflextherapy/ reflexology as ” reflexology massage ” – reflextherapy is not massage. ReflexTherapy/ Reflexology theory is based on the holographic concept of the body with your professionally trained reflexologist focusing on changes within “mapped” micro-systems which have been theorized to indicate stress and/or imbalance within the body. Recognizing the body’s tactile indications of stress and imbalance.  Professional reflexologist utilize reflexology-specific techniques designed to impact these micro-systems which reflexively signals body systems at a distance, encouraging relaxation, to regulate if over or under balanced and a physiological return to balance. The Reflexology Association of America defines reflexology as:


Reflexology is a protocol of manual techniques, such as thumb and finger-walking, hook and backup and rotating-on-a-point, applied to specific reflex areas predominantly on the feet and hands. These techniques stimulate the complex neural pathways linking body systems, supporting the body’s efforts to function optimally.
The effectiveness of reflexology is recognized worldwide by various national health institutions and the public at large as a distinct complementary practice within the holistic health field. (RAA 2016)


The University of Minnesota – Center for Spirituality and Healing:

  • Massage is the systematic manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, using specific techniques (for example, tapping, kneading, stroking, and friction) to relax the muscles.

  • Reflexology focuses on reflex maps of points and areas of the body in the feet, hands, and ears using unique micromovement techniques such as thumb or finger walking and hook and backup with the goal of creating a response throughout the body.


Current history reveals that the techniques evolved from an earlier European system known as Zone Therapy and was introduced to America by three Medical Doctors who developed the current practice of reflexology in the 20th Century. Reflexology is a powerful healing art and natural health science based on physical and neurological studies of the relationship between the currently mapped reflex areas (including but not limited to) the face, feet, hands and outer ears with the corresponding parts, systems and organs of the body.


Specific finger and thumb techniques, unique to the field of reflexology, are applied to these pressure maps (which are shaped much like the human body) on the face, feet, hands, and ears.  Studies have shown that manipulating these mapped areas can be highly effective in maintaining and improving health. Facial Reflex Therapy, TCM & Neuro Foot Reflex Therapy and Temprana Reflex Therapy  (SorensensistemTM) impacts the energy lines of the body (Meridians), the neural pathways of the Face Feet and Hands and the facial microvascular system.  Facial Reflexology has been pioneered by internationally recognized teacher.

Neuro Reflexology & SkinCare Wellness

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