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Access Consciousness – the Bars

How would you like to be able to erase all the bad moments that seem to stick with you affecting all your choices in life, to be able to wipe the slate clean and start over? Many of us dream of having a new start to life, dream of being able to let go of those moments that hold us back, and open ourselves up to all the possibilities that we faced as innocent children.
As we age, we carry with us all the good and bad that life has thrown our way. All these moments are stored in us as a form of energy that our body clings to, but there is a way to release it, a way for us to let go and move on. Access Consciousness provides us with the release that we need and allows us to rid ourselves of all the stuck energy, which in turn frees up the room to create something new and wonderful in our lives. It helps provide the tools that we need to view life from a new perspective and takes us where we want to be. A new reality opens allowing us to see the endless possibilities life has to offer.
The Bars are a tool of Access Consciousness that are based on the principle that there are 32 points and bars of energy that run throughout your head. Each of these points stores the energy of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that you have ever had throughout your life. A Bars session helps you release all this pent up energy unblocking your conscious and allowing new possibilities into your life through the touch of a trained professional.
Access Consciousness Bars Session benefits us in many ways:
Quicker recovery times with any old or new injuries, surgeries, or diseases.
Improvements in your health both physically and emotionally.
General depression vanishes for many after just one session.
Erasing limitations and changing everything that does not work in your life without any effort on your part.
Provides deep relaxation while revitalizing and energizing you.
Opens your conscious to receiving new information allowing more relaxation in all aspects of your life.
Allows us to let go of the situations and qualities in people that create difficulties in our lives.
Improves mental clarity allowing improved work performance and grade without having to work harder.
Access Conscious Also Benefits Children
Children look at the word differently than adults and are much more willing to let go of limitations. They question the world around them trying to figure out how it works, opening themselves up to all the possibilities the world has to offer. Their world, their lives become one big question after bars sessions. This helps to improve grades and relationships with friends and parents. Even children with prior emotional problems or from families with divorced parents begin to take control of their lives.
A Bars Session
There are no normal session as everyone responds in his or her own way. Many people have reported a complete sense of relaxation; some even fall asleep. The most often reported effects are feeling some kind of sensation, whether it be buzzing, tingling, twitching, shivers, or just a feeling of warmth throughout their body. Some have even reported having images come to them or even feeling an energy similar to that of being sexually aroused. Emotionally people have been known to cry or laugh for no apparent reason. Most end a session feeling happier and more peaceful than before.
Sessions for adults can last anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes and depending on the age of a child might only last a few minutes.